Remember the TV show Without a Trace? I'm watching reruns on ION television right now. Eric Close is hot. Just sayin'. I like sparkly things. Like a LOT. My newest favorite sparkly thing? I'm LOVING this Glimmersticks Diamond eyeliner from Avon. LOVE. I'm also loving this Co. Bigelow Mentha Lip Tint. Also? I tried some of this at Victoria's Secret the other day. Pure Seduction is my most favorite scent. I use the shower cream, lotion, and body spray. I'm running low. I went in to check if they were having any kind of sale on my stuff and found SHIMMER body lotion! How freaking awesome is that?? It really did make my skin shimmer! I'm totally getting some when it goes on sale. Between my eyeliner, lip gloss, and shimmer lotion - I'm totally going to look like a Cullen. (Threw that in there for you JK ). Eric Close is pretty hot. Just had to point that out again, cuz he's on the TV right now...looking good. Anybody watch DWTS? I...