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I love a good party!

Well, it's been a couple of days and I haven't gotten to tell you about my Idaho weekend, and believe me - there's LOTS to tell! But you'll just have to be patient, because today we're partying!
Even with all my distractions, I've been excited about Dishing It with Amanda ever since she first mentioned she wanted to have this fun little party.

The assignment for the first party is simple, she just wants us to share a little about ourselves and our blogs.

I have been blogging for a little over a year. I started in January of 2009. I had never really thought about blogging, and didn't really even know what a blog was exactly. But I happened to find a cute tutorial and it credited a blog and I clicked on the link. I then clicked on a couple of the links in THAT blog, and soon found myself bouncing around this whole other world. I now know that what I was doing was "blog-hopping"!

I had recently started a business with a good friend of mine, and thought this might be a good way to get our name out there. That's why I initially started blogging, but of course that all soon changed, and I just really began to enjoy journaling about anything and everything. My family, my experiences, my faith, tutorials, asking advice....I don't really have a specific thing like decorating, or crafting, or food storage that I blog about exclusively. But I do blog about each of those topics on occasion.

I also thought that blogging about my goals would be a good way to hold myself accountable for things I wanted to work on. I still think this, and it has been tremendously helpful, although I've been such a slacker blogger lately that no one really knows if I've been making good progress on my goals or not! The title of my blog was actully like the seventh thing I came up with that wasn't already taken by someone else. I wanted a title that reflected the changes I wanted to make in my life...but everything I thought of was already spoken for! I finally tried "This is the Year" and it was available!

My favorite thing about blogging is definitely the friendships. I truly have found some friends for life and that is the most important thing I have gotten from blogging. And I'm so excited for a chance to meet even more new, wonderful friends!
If you want to join the party, please head over to Amanda's and check it out!


Hi Xazmin!

It was fun reading your answers! I love the social aspect too - I'm so glad I met you. I think you're awesome!

Emmy said…
Yes, the social aspects are definitely what keep me going now. At first it was just something for me and my family.. but has it's own whole life now :)
Macey said…
Okay, I almost fell outta my chair when I saw you had a new post up. :)
"I don't really have a specific thing like decorating, or crafting, or food storage that I blog about exclusively. But I do blog about each of those topics on occasion."

Can I just copy your posts and put them on my blog?
Thanks for your sweet comment AND the link up. :) I *think* we "met" when Amanda @ Imperfectly Beautiful either linked to you or you had a Giveaway on her blog...I remember thinking what a fun blog you had and wanting to follow. :) Hugs to you from Virginia!
shortmama said…
Its so nice to see a post from you!!!
Hi Xazmin- I remember meeting you with my Bon Jovi post. Seems like we've been blog friends for a while now. :)
Hope the school issues are working out.
Paula@SweetPea said…
I met you through one of Amanda's other parties and so much enjoy your posts. Blogging is such a great way to meet new people from all over.
kado! said…
i totally hear ya! Blogging friends are great!

and Mimi cracks me up!
I'm so glad I "met" you. Your blog name reminds me that I was supposed to do the whole organization with FlyLady thing this year as my new year's resolution. I totally fired her the other day.

Anyway, hey I nominated you for the Sunshine Award. come on over to my blog and get it when you can.
Ann said…
wish I wasn't too sick to party..maybe next time! love your blog! makes me smile.
Erin said…
I love blog hopping, and I often can never remember how I ended up on the blog that I did. I love the sketchiness of your flowers on your background. I'm going to check out your little boutique now. Nice to meet you!
Shanda said…
I adore your blog. Your blog appealed to me particulary because you don't have a particular theme,(much like my own) and you have managed to mesh everything together so beautifully. I might pattern my blog after yours if that is okay.

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