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Where it really counts

We honestly couldn't be more different:

He has blue eyes - I have brown.

He's a little quiet - I, on the other hand, never shut up!

He listens to Talk Radio, I prefer Rock 'n' Roll.

He hates cheese (who hates cheese?), I would have a nacho wedding cake if I could.

He watches comedies - I prefer crime dramas.

He goes to bed (when he gets the chance!), I am a night owl.

He hates shopping - I would shop for a living if I could!

He's a mechanical whiz - I could MAYBE change a tire if I had to.

He's quick to forgive - I hold a grudge.

His fashion sense - back in the 90's! Me - I'm much more with the times.

He cheers for the Utes (his worst character flaw) - I'm a Cougar girl (go blue!).

Despite all this - where it really counts, we're on the same page.

I feel so blessed to have found an eternal companion who loves the Lord, loves his family, and works harder than anyone I know to serve them both.

Thank you for 14 wonderful years. I know I'm not easy to live with, yet you still keep on loving me. I'm more in love with you today than ever before, and I fall deeper each day that passes.

Happy Anniversary Sweetheart!


Sher said…
You sound a lot like my and my hubby.
Opposites attract!
Awwww! He has a cute little crooked smile, too. :) Happy, happy anniversary!!!
(My oldest son hates cheese too. So strange, these people.)
Krissy said…
So sweet! Happy Anniversary!! (Your wedding dress is stunning!!)
kado! said…
OHHH! Happy Anniversary! What a sweet post!!

Hope you guys had a very Merry Christmas!!!!
Amy said…
Happy Anniversary...
Tanielle said…
Happy Anniversary you two!!! You are both amazing! Have a great day!
capperson said…
Aww, Happy Anniversary!
Myya said…
Happy Anniversary! Opposites are the BEST... makes for a much more interesting life! Mine isn't so fond of cheese either... only American - I mean really what is wrong with them???
shortmama said…
Hope you had a great anniversary. Levi and I couldnt possibly be more different either and somehow we still like each other!
Macey said…
You are me. I am you.
He is my husband and my husband is him. That makes no sense, but you know what I'm trying to say, right?
Hey, how hard was it for you to keep a straight face in the serious picture of you guys...I wouldn't be able to do it.
Pictures are lovely!
Happy Anniversary!!

PS HOW can ANYONE hate CHEESE??? Freaky.
Grand Pooba said…
Awwwww! Happy big A! Wait, did I already know you live in Utah????

(Sorry, I'm a U kinda a girl)
Happy Anniversary!!! Oh and I hate cheese, and it isn't because I'm vegan, when I ate meat I still never liked cheese. Weird thing is my dad does too, maybe it is genetic? So your hubby, me and my dad might just be the only three people in America lol.
Happy Anniversary!! You had a princess dress!!! :) My hubs hates cheese weird!
Emily said…
Congratulations! I LOVE the very serious picture! And GORGEOUS wedding dress.

FYI: I am unable to make my husband a sandwich because he doesn't like cheese. I can't bear to put Miracle Whip (yuck) and ham between two slices of bread. It seems indecent.

Oh, and we are so different that I occasionally tell him to look at the menu (when we are getting take out) and select the thing that looks the most disgusting. It has never failed - I always love it!
Shawn said…
I would love to know what was running through your cute little head in that first picture! I think it may be the same thing that's running through his in the third!

I have a huge smile and goosebumps, thanks for sharing and happy anniversary!
Emmy said…
Happy Anniversary!! And you are right that Ute thing is definitely a flaw.
I love your pictures and I REALLY LOVE your dress!! The train is so gorgeous!! Congratulations. My husband and I were once totally different as well--except for those important things. Now we are much more alike than different. That is what living together for so long can do to you, I guess. :-)

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