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Proud mama here...

Today I thought I'd link up with my sweet friend Emmy and fellow blogger whom I haven't yet become acquainted with, but am eager to get to know, Kmama.  They host a great meme where we all get to brag about what makes us proud as moms.

I've been meaning to blog about this since last week, so today I'm linking up!  Last week was the culmination of months of rehearsals for the 6-9th graders at our school who were in the school musical.  This year Bookworm landed a lead.  They rehearsed 3 days a week between 2 and 5 hours each day.  With rehearsal, scouts, music lessons and basketball, not to mention just regular school and homework, I saw the stress start to take a toll on my 13 year old.  I always swore I wouldn't be one of those moms whose kids were so overscheduled that they couldn't enjoy life!  But somehow with the basketball season overlapping the musical, and rehearsal times being more often and longer this year - it just sort of snuck up on me, and I found myself to be one of those moms!  I was so grateful the day Bookworm played his last basketball game of the fall season!  I've already determined that if he wants to do the musical again next year, he'll have to take a hiatus from sports until the musical is finished.

To add to the stress, exactly 1 week before opening night, my son lost his voice.  Completely.  And he was waking up every morning with a very sore throat.  Although she handled it very calmly with me, I'm pretty sure Lisa, the director, was in full panic mode upon hearing the news.  She takes the musical very seriously, and the result is always an amazing production that is on a much higher level professionally than a typical middle school musical.  She loaded me up with herbal tea and essential oils to doctor Bookworm's vocal chords throughout the day.  He started to feel better towards the end of the week - but we still had to keep him home because he doesn't know how to shut up, and we couldn't get it through his head that even though he was starting to feel better, he had to COMPLETELY rest his voice!

He went to rehearsals, but was silent, and just acted out his parts while Lisa said his lines and sang his part.  Finally on the last day of rehearsal before opening night he practiced with saying his lines and singing.  Although he made it through, he said that his voice was definitely not all the way back, and it did hurt to sing the higher notes.  Opening night came and right before his solo his head mic went out!  Seriously!  Luckily there were 2 more nights of performances and although he said he still struggled a bit with some of the higher notes, I think he did awesome, and I was so, so very proud.

His leading lady was the adorable daughter of one of my good friends and I think they sounded great together, and looked darling!  So there's my proud mom moment.  I really hope he decides to audition again next year...but we will definitely keep the other activities down to a minimum during the months of rehearsing and performing!

I can watch this recording over and over  - even thought the sound of the recording doesn't do the performance justice.  I forgot to mention that before this, I never knew my son could sing.  I mean he sings in church, but he doesn't sing out, and I mean even I sing in church - and I can't sing!  Before this he's only ever really been small parts and in the chorus for the musical.  I was nervous for him performing because he would never sing for me, so I had no idea how he would sound!  Although I admit he's no Josh Groban, I was pleasantly surprised, and as I might have mentioned before - extremely proud.


Emmy said…
Oh yea!!! Congrats to your son! Love it! He sounded great and you should be so proud. So glad his voice came back.
Thank you so much for linking up, it means a lot
Stephanie said…
Oh that is a proud Mama moment!! How wonderful are they together!
Kmama said…
Congratulations to you and your son!! I can understand why you are proud!

Thanks for playing along!
Macey said…
That is SO cool!! That picture of them together...what a cute picture! Or couple, but they're not a couple, but still...
How wonderful. Thank you for sharing that wonderful picture....and they look so natural together.
What a neat story. I love that! That's so funny that you didn't even know he could sing. I'm glad his voice came back.

Alicia said…
I just read this on my Facebook feed from Good Things Utah, thought of you and wanted to pass this along in case you DIDN'T (gasp!) already know... "Tomorrow, Friday the 16th... Chris Wingert from Real Salt Lake will be joining us on Good Things Utah as a special guest host!!! Click over to our website and sign up for our studio audience!" =)

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