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Friday Confessional


Time to link up and confess - I had to get one last post in before the New Year!  Here we go.

I confess...
My New Year's Resolution to blog more in 2011 was an EPIC FAIL!  
But I believe in perseverance, so we're going to try again in 2012!

I confess...
Yesterday was my 16 year anniversary, and we went to dinner WAY early (because we hadn't really eaten all day and were starving) and were home before 6, watching a movie with the kids.  We're like 90 year olds in 30-something bodies I guess.

I confess...
I really wouldn't have had it any other way.  We had a great time watching a family movie with the kids, and then sent them to bed and enjoyed a grown-up movie.  A rated PG-13 one people...get your minds out of the gutter!!

I confess...
I lied when I just said I wouldn't have had it any other way.  In a perfect world I would be rich and we would be on a cruise or something for our anniversary.  But I think you all knew my meaning.

I confess....
I have not gotten out of bed before 10 a.m. any day since school got out last Wednesday - except for on Christmas day.  I'm a late-stayer-upper, and a late-sleeper-inner.  That's just how I roll.  Getting back into the 6:30 a.m. swing of things when school gets back in next Wednesday is going to be BRUTAL!

I confess...
This year has been the best Christmas ever. Truly.  I have enjoyed it more, stressed less, felt more joy and love, seen my family truly sacrifice in order to serve others, watched how it affected my children, and felt the spirit of Christ more than ever before. We also slashed several hundred dollars from our immediate family Christmas budget, and saw that our children's joy on Christmas morning was not diminished in the least.  I believe this is due to the way their hearts were touched by serving those less fortunate, and although it was a "lesser" Christmas material-wise than we have ever had, it was a greater Christmas where it counted.

I confess...
I really want my Christmas decor taken down and put away, but I REALLY don't wanna do it!  Have you ever wished you were like Jeannie and could "blink" things done?  I've wished that ever since I was a little girl and was told I couldn't come out of my room until it was clean.

Also I wanted my bedroom to be like the inside of her bottle.  And I still wished I looked that good in a harem-girl costume!

I confess...
This year on my blog, things may get political.  I know that is taboo in blog-land.  But it's an election year y'all.  And I'm a political junkie.  I know those who truly love me will not mind me sharing my opinion on occasion.

And finally - I confess...
I'm super excited to take you on the journey of the room-by-room reorganization and remodel of my home.  I am DETERMINED to get it done this year!  If I'm making this same confession next year at this time, I am selling my house and starting over!!

Remember that confession is good for the soul - so if you'd like, click the button and link up!!


Jolene said…
Congratulations on 16 years! Glad to see you had a great Christmas.

I hope you have a Happy New Year!
I had to laugh at your confessions re: your anniversary. We spent ours doing the same things...and yes, if I was super rich I'd be on my own island with a nanny to watch over the kiddos. Realistically though, it was a pretty nice time. Looking forward to reading more of your blog in 2012!
Paula@SweetPea said…
Congratulations on your 16 year anniversary! Being home early to be with your kids sounds like a good evening to me.

Good luck with your house reorganization. I have a feeling we'll all be doing a lot of that in the next few months.
I amso glad y'all had a good Christmas! My blogging year was not good either. We'll do better next year though, right? I've got to get my house done too. I am waaaay behind. I've got to get organized. My house is a pit!

Happy Anniversary, by the way!!!
Shawn said…
I too am dreading taking the decorations down and getting up in the morning for school. This break went by way too fast!

I'll be waiting for those pictures so get to movin' sister!
Mamarazzi said…
a cruise sounds like a lot of fun, i wish i was on one too!

Genie in a bottle bedroom, i confess, I wanted one too!

i cannot wait to see the room by room reveal!

Happy New Year...thanks for linking up, i love your confessions.
Macey said…
I'm most excited that it's a political year and I can hear all of your political rants! Woohoo!
Mitt's hot. HAHAAAAA!
Also, I can't wait to see your house room by you can say that THIS IS THE YEAR!!! LOL!! I crack me up.
Oh to have unlimited funds to do whatever we wanted. *sigh*

But congratulations on the anniversary! He's put up with you for a long time! I KID, I KID!! You know I love you.

I'm so glad to see you blogging. Sorry I've been MIA. My in laws are still in town. know...I'm going insane.

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