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Dishing it with Amanda!

One of the things I have REALLY missed with my lack of regular blogging is linking up to the fun blog parties my friends host. Today I'm glad to be Dishing it with Amanda!

Head on over and link up if you want to find out more about your bloggy friends, and make some new friends in the process!

The theme for today is Summer Rewind! Here's the scoop:

Best activity I participated in this summer ~ I would have to say taking my kiddos to Lagoon.

It is one of my favorite places in the world, and I was so glad to share that with my kids TWICE this summer! To read about it click here.

Family trips ~ Although we did some great family activities this summer, we didn't take any trips all together. However Hubby and Bookworm went on a 5- day scout camp. The girls and I didn't have the best week that week. Check that out here. Also, I went to Girls' Camp with my Young Women, which was an absolute delight. I'll probably be sharing more of that adventure coming up!

Best new recipe I tried this summer ~ I got a quesadilla maker for my birthday and tried my hand at a black bean and corn quesadilla. The kids loved them.

Most exciting thing I've done this summer ~ It's not necessarily something I did, but the most exciting thing that happened in our family this summer was my son turning 12 and being ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood. It was a huge milestone and I'm so proud of him, and what a fine young man he is turning into.

Coolest crafty thing I made, or home decor thing I tried ~ This question makes me really feel like a loser, because I did not try one. new. craft. this summer. I made a few gifts that are things I have already done in the past. Boo. My summer was just too busy for crafting. Hopefully that will change soon!

Best book or magazine issue I read ~ I have just started (for the 2nd time) reading John Adams by David McCullough.

I have mentioned in the past my love for our Founding Fathers, and I LOVE David McCullough's work. Reading about the birth of this great nation, and the people who were so instrumental in it's establishment is so inspiring and I am really enjoying it.

Coolest new blog I've found ~ I'm sad to say that at best I've been able to sort of just keep up with visiting bloggers who I'm already familiar with and who visit me...and not very well at that! But I'm really grateful for the blog friends I have, and hopefully I can meet some new ones today!

Favorite bargain or shopping find of the summer ~ I actually just went to the DI Monday and found some great deals on some clothes for my girls. Here's what I got for $28.

That's right - 3 pairs of pants, 3 skirts, 2 sweaters, a cowgirl shirt and a uniform jacked for school. All in like-new condition!

Favorite thing I got for Monkey:

Favorite thing I got for Pixie:

Favorite thing I got for Cowgirl:

My best post of the summer ~ Ha! I am the lamest blogger ever! I don't have any great posts from this past summer. Hopefully I can get better at it, and not be so boring anymore.

What's left on my summer to-do list? ~ EVERYTHING! I really, REALLY need to keep working on getting my house organized, and most importantly, I really need to get Cowgirl's bedroom finished.

Wow - even when given prompts I am boring! Sorry to everyone who is reading today! I hope you've all had a great summer - and remember that the Ribbon Blossoms re-launch is just 8 days away!

As a last note - in case you were wondering what the widget at the top of my blog is about: Many of you know I am a founding member of my children's charter school, and currently serve on the board of trustees. As such I have grown very passionate about the issue of school choice. If you are a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle, older brother or sister, or just have a school aged child that you really care about, I encourage you to get involved. Please pledge to see "Waiting for Superman" by clicking above. Especially my Utah friends - the amount of pledges from our state determines whether the movie will show in Utah or not, and we want it here! Pledging does not commit you to anything, and you will receive a giftcode for $5 that you can gift to a classroom project of your choice on I'll be blogging more about choice in education in a few days.


Hey, you! :) I was SO happy to see your name pop up on my link list. I had no idea Ribbon Blossoms was launching again so soon. That's awesome!! Let me know when you're ready, and we'll plan that post. :)

I haven't read "John Adams" but now I think I must!!! Thanks for the tip. LOVE the outfits you got the girls too. :)

Thanks so much for linking up with me. Hope you have fun visiting around. :)
shortmama said…
I hadnt heard of the John Adams book before but sounds so interesting because I am a history fanatic!

I am trying to get my house organized too...Im not making much progress. Got a bunch of stuff taken to the dump and to Goodwill this weekend and organized my pantry Monday. Sounds like a lot but if you saw my house you would understand lol
Hey girl! Long time, etc. I know you've been super busy!!!

That Lagoon place looks awesome. I was cracking up about y'all speaking in Spanish AND French. So funny!!!

I'm totally jealous you got a quesadilla maker!! Sounds awesome.

Is that book the same one the HBO series was made from? Hubby loved that series.

So glad you're back. Congrats on Ribbon Blossoms!!!
Laura said…
I've never visited your blog before, but am happy to be here from Amanda's party. You sound like me...busy and not as consistent as I would like with the blogging.

The lagoon seems awesome...any place that has a corn dog that size has to be good!
Paula@SweetPea said…
I am pretty sure that my hubby has that John Adams book. I'll have to ask him and I'll read it if he does.

You found some seriously cute clothes for your kids at a great price.
Tanielle said…
Love ya girl!!! Jealous you went to Lagoon, more jealous of Monkey's corn dog! Excited for Ribbon Blossoms re-launch, very cool, when you make millions share with me ok? :) Thanks for being you, and putting up with me!! Love ya!
Don't feel bad about not posting much this summer- you were actually accomplishing your goal of becoming a homemaker! I love the outfits you got for your kids-too cute. My son is only 5 months so no back to school clothes yet! Visiting from Serenity Now.
Macey said…
The clothes you got are awesome!
And you rock, don't worry about the crafty stuff and the blog stuff. You are you and you are momma to 4 babies, you have other stuff to do!
And that video scares me. :(
Macey said…
Also, I need that book and just about every book Glenn Beck highlights on his show about history.
Tiffany said…
I always get happy to see a new post from you, I've lacked a lot this summer as well, It's that being a whole mom thing!
Angie said…
$28 for all that!!! What great finds!

I love your blog title...I definitely to embrace the homemaker within me! Going to have to read more of your blog!

BTW You children are gorgeous!
Richella Parham said…
Hi there! I'm visiting from Amanda's party, and I just have to say that you are ANYTHING BUT boring! Sounds like you and your beautiful family have had a very busy and productive summer. Good for you!

Great to hear that you are so active in the work for school choice. Your work is important; don't grow weary!

Nice to meet you!
Myya said…
Holy smokes $28 for all that... how cool is that! I got my oldest 4 new pairs of jeans at The Childrens Place for $3.99 each. Total find right! Yay me! You have been soooo busy this Summer! I got all bloggy the other day & posted a bunch of new posts, sad thing is I still have about 5 more to go. Uggghhhh! :)

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