Here I've let a bunch of time go by AGAIN since I've posted and visited my friends. LahoooosER! I do have quite a bit to share...let's see if I can remember it all. Oh. I got older. Yeah, had my birthday last week. It was good to spend the day with my family. We went to breakfast and did some shopping. Sadly Hubby had to work that night, but I had a fun girls night with my girlfriend/cousin Kimberlee who also recently had a birthday. We treated ourselve's to a yummy dinner from Famous Dave's. I also got spoiled by my other friends and family as well, and just had a really great Birthday. I've been crazy busy with school stuff this week. We had our summer work session/retreat this week. 2 evenings and then a full day today. Making some good progress, but hard to focus when I'm getting ready for GIRLS' CAMP!!!! We head up Tuesday morning. I'm so excited, but sad as well. This will be my last activity with the girls. I've been released from my call...