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Showing posts from 2014

Focusing on the Fun Stuff

I'm still working on my political post - I'm having a hard time finding time in my life to write.  I am going to be honest and let you know that right now I am completely overwhelmed.  I feel like I'm drowning.  Between Halloween costume orders, jewelry orders, my disaster that we call a house, Hubby's business, and the kids and all their activities - I have literally felt like crying most of the time lately.  But I'm sick of feeling crappy, so I decided to sit down and blog about some fun stuff that has been going on, and think about things for just a little while that really put a smile on my face. Two of my beautiful daughters celebrated birthdays in the past few weeks.  I cannot believe how quickly they are growing up.  I need it to S-L-O-W down already!  But I look at them and nearly burst with joy at what wonderful girls they are and how each passing day they get more and more fabulous.  I'll post about them in 2 separate posts so I don't ...

I'm Grateful.

It's been over a month since my last post - but I'm not giving up on my little blog.  I have too much I want to write about! I'm working on a pretty heavy political post right now.  At least it feels heavy to me.  I'm not really sure when it will be finished and ready to publish.  I only know it has been fighting to burst out of me for months and months and I finally had to sit down and start writing.  We'll see what it looks like when my brain is finally relieved of all the the thoughts and feelings that have been tumbling around in there for all this time. For today I think I'll just share some things I'm grateful for.  Because I am truly, truly blessed. Today I am grateful for the teenagers in my teens' lives.  And for their parents. I'm so thankful that I was able to send my son out to his first school dance yesterday with a wonderful young woman who values modesty, and who knows she can be beautiful and have a magical evening while dress...

Life is Good

Well - it's happening.  Right now.  I'm blogging.  I have been feeling the pull of the blogosphere for a few weeks now.  I'm not sure why - but I've just really felt compelled to get back to blogging.  I have no idea how I'm gonna make it work.  I have so much stuff sucking all my time already!  But I've missed this place.  There's nowhere else quite like it. I'm not even really sure where to start.  Do I update on my family?  Some people may remember us - some people may be new.  Maybe nobody out there will be reading this at all.  What's a rusty blogging girl to do? I guess we'll start with this cute thing. This Baby Girl is 18 months old - can you believe it?  It seems like such a short time ago she was coming home from the hospital.  Yet - and I think I've said this before - it's incredibly difficult trying to remember what life was like before she came. She's kind of a stinker.  Like a lot.  S...

Our Weekend Unplugged

Last week I told you our family was going to have an "unplugged weekend".  I had been thinking about doing this for a while, and finally got around to discussing it with Hubby.  With him on board, we presented it to the kids, starting out with watching this short message as a family: As parents, hubby and I are pretty conservative when it comes to a lot of the technologies of today.  We don't allow violent video games in our home, our children were probably some of the last of their friends to get Facebook accounts and I know that Bookworm (our only child with a cell phone for now) was the last of his friends to get a phone.  It has nothing to do with not trusting our kids and everything to do with what we felt was or wasn't necessary for our family's circumstances and what we did or didn't feel was the most uplifting or healthy way for our family to spend their time. Of course there is a fine line between giving them everything, and allowing them...

A Hellish Day with a Happy Ending

So here's how my day went yesterday: Wake up, get kids ready for school. Drive kids and Hubby to school (hubby is driving the 6th grade to the McCullough space center for a space simulation field work). Get back home. Answer email and shop correspondence while Baby Girl attempts to feed herself oatmeal (yeah, she's at the whole independent stage). Clean up oatmeal from table, chair, floor and Baby Girl's face, belly, arms and hair. Attempt to clean up in my bedroom while Baby Girl naps (yeah right - she napped for 14 minutes). Get in the shower while BG plays on the bathmat, waiting her turn to get in and get cleaned.  Hey it worked the last time I needed to have a shower and I was by myself with Baby Girl so don't you judge me. Get all lathered up when I hear a huge crash followed by instant wailing from Baby Girl.  I jump out of the shower, dripping wet and sudsy to see my poor baby flat on her back on the tile.  She had attempted to climb up something...

Slow but Steady Wins the Race??

We shall see about that . I recently decided to take the 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home Challenge from Money Saving Mom.  I didn't start up when she did, so I'm not really part of the "group" who is participating and linking up and all that jazz.  I intended to, but I just couldn't get started last week for various reasons. But I did start this week and I'm a little excited.  I feel like I have a WAY bigger monster to tame than what her challenge will fix.  Like a lifetime of being disorganized + a husband who is equally as disorganized + 5 kids.  It's an equation that equals basically a whole lot of chaos to reign in.   And every time I determine that I am going to tackle that chaos, I just don't know where to start.  Bringing order to one area of my life or home or family is dependent on something else being brought to order first, which itself is dependent on another aspect being in order and I just feel overwhelmed with the hugeness of the u...

How many restarts do I get?

(Cough, cough), it's a little dusty in here... I guess when you neglect the blog for like 7 months, it can grow a few cobwebs.  I'm going to try again to get my blog groove on.  So much has happened since I last blogged.  Perhaps I can get you caught up a little bit at a time over then next little while.  Hopefully.  Maybe.  Probably not.  And by "you" I mean the imaginary people I'm pretending to write to since I'm not sure anyone remembers about this ole blog of mine.  That's what happens when you disappear for ever  a while. A few highlights from the past 7 months: We went on a family trip to California in November - actually over Thanksgiving!  The kids thought that Disneyland was totally overrated.  Which is what I thought the last time I went in 1990.  They LOVED Sea World, and Universal Studios.  We also stopped and visited all the temples along the way.   I'll share pics in an upcoming post! This girl...