It's been almost a year since I first posted here about Ambria and her struggle with Post Concussion Syndrome . At that time Ambria had already been suffering for a year, and I was at the end of my rope. To quickly recap, Ambria came home from a church dance with a debilitating Migraine one day in late February of 2015. And it didn't go away. For months. She couldn't go to school, or church, or out with friends. Life sort of came to a stand still for her. She spent most of her days sleeping, and when she wasn't asleep she was like a zombie and in so much pain. She was eventually diagnosed with Post Concussion Syndrome. She'd suffered multiple sports concussions from playing soccer. She was just supposed to try and treat the pain while waiting for her brain to start working properly again. We had many doctor's visits, tests, dietary changes, different perscriptions, so many things to try and help with the pain. Nothing hel...