I'm coming up from beneath the piles of black and orange, and green and purple tulle to check in with my peeps. Aside from the Halloween costume making - it's been a fun few weeks. On the 17th, Hubby and I took Bookworm and a friend to the RSL v. Sporting KC game, followed by the One Republic post game concert. The tickets were a present for his birthday back in June (the concert was originally supposed to take place after a June match, but the band had to reschedule). The little punks wouldn't let me take any pictures for posterity's sake. The bums. But it was a great night. Mainly because we kicked trash. But the concert was good too. I'm not a die-hard fan by any means, I mean I probably wouldn't pay to go see them if they were touring, but they sounded great live. And I do enjoy their songs. I'm pretty particular with my kids and their activities, and I'm very over just the right amount of protective, in public setting...