I think teenagers get a bad rap. I really do. I'm constantly seeing memes and viral Facebook posts and letters to the editor about "today's generation". As if that term is a dirty word. Repeated often are words like "lazy", "entitled", "disrespectful" and many other unflattering terms. And I think it's garbage. YES, there are some crappy teenagers out there. But I think the percentage of "bad kids" today probably isn't any different than it was when I was a teen. And if "our generation" was so much better, and we KNOW what kids today need and how they should be parented, who exactly is raising these crappy teenagers? It certainly can't be all those perfect adults out there who think teenagers today suck. Because if those folks were raising them, I mean they wouldn't be so crappy, right? We always "shudder" at the thought of our kids reaching their teenage years. Especially when t...