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What would a party be without us BOTH?

Y'all didn't really think we were gonna party seperately did you? Not when we have so much fun TOGETHER! And it's better this way, because it means you have TWO chances to win an awesome Blogiversary giveaway!

One year ago today, Tanielle and I both started blogging. For me, I thought it might be a good way to promote our hairbow busines. But I quickly learned that the true value of my blog was in the wonderful women I've met and the wonderful friends I've made - some who have even become close friends outside of Bloggerville.

I've laughed, cried, been inspired, and received the best comments from some of the smartest, funniest, kindest ladies I've ever known. Thank you all for all of it!

And thank you Tanielle for partying with me, and for being one of the people I've had the most fun with in my life. Ever.

10 things I love about Tanielle
1. I love that she shares a maturity level equivalent to mine (in it's near non-existence!)

2. I love that she always paints my girls fingernails and toenails whenever they come over to visit.

3. I love how she's afraid of makes it especially entertaining for me when we watch vampire shows together!

4. I love her beautiful smile!

5. I love how organized she is. I wish I could be more like her that way!

6. I love her cute handwriting.

7. I love how she takes time for her kids when they need her attention. I've mentioned this before, but I've often seen her stop what she is doing to take time to listen to what they have to say. I am so bad at a that!

8. I love that she shares my passion for NKOTB.

9. I love how she doesn't judge me and my poor housekeeping skills...when she is the domestic goddess of organization and cleanliness!

10. I love that she shares my beliefs and that just as much as we can be silly and immature together, we can have long, serious talks about spiritual things, and she gets me...because it's how she feels too.

I'm so glad we met that first day of Kindergarten for our little boys, who are now going into jr. high next year! Gah! We are not that old, right?

So to celebrate my 1 year blogiversary, and also my wonderful friend Tanielle who shares this blogiversary with me...I have to have a giveaway, right?

How would you like to win a package filled with some of Tanielle's favorite things? The contents will be a surprise. But Tanielle loves things that smell good, things that taste good, and things that are I can promise you won't be disappointed! Giveaway ends Feb 1 at 11:59 p.m. MST.

All you have to do to enter is leave me a comment. That's it! And if you'd like a chance to win a package of MY favorite things...well head on over to Tanielle's and party a little with her!
Here's to another fabulous year! Mwah!


Katie Lane said…
You two are so cute together... lol!!
Anonymous said…
Happy Blogoversary!

This is so sweet! What a great friend!
April said…
This is such a fun giveaway! I love anything having to do with FRIENDSHIP! Y'all are like two peas in a pod! Have a good one!
KiraAJ said…
:) what a fun giveaway and happy blogiversary! giveaways are always so much fun! im having one myself for my 100th post!
kado! said…
You two are so lucky to have each other and live so close to each other!!! I wish I had such a true friend that lived near are more lucky than you know!!

Happy Blogiversary to you both!!!!
That is SO sweet!!!! :) What a neat giveaway idea. :) You guys are an awesome duo!
quiltsbylee said…
It is so awesome that you have friend to share all this with.
Unknown said…
LIke I said on Tanielle's log- you two are so fun!!!! I have really loved getting to know both of you through our blogs!! Congrats on a yeaR!!

Sheila said…
Ok - I need to win this! You don't understand....Tanielle is my bff bloggy friend! (That's what Brandy and I always call her!) And I would LOVE to know her in person! She is beautiful and you can tell she adores her children...and yes, I can imagine her as an organizational junkie! :0 LOL!
Dawn said…
congratulations!! here's to many more posts!! another great list for a friend!
Sami said…
Jingle said…
You two are so amazingly adorable! I love it! Happy Blogiversary!!!
Sare said…
You two are so cute!! I'm so glad We're friends!! Congrats on your first year!!!! And Here's to MANY more!!! Loves!
Myya said…
Happy Blogoversary!!! You two crack me up. I like a good smackdown but I love a great friendship even more. How fun that you guys get to share it together!
Gurr Family said…
I love your friendship and I love how you met,I think it is fantastic.
What is NKOTB
Anonymous said…
Highlights said…
Congratulations! I'm proud of you and I'm glad you have such a great friend.
Braley Mama said…
Happy Blogoversary!
I read The Polka Dot Daisy!
Your blog is Awesome!
Rhonda said…
Happy Blogoversary! How fun are you guys. You all are too cute.
I would love to win! My birthday is coming up...I would love that! Thanks!
congratulations on your blogversary! Both you and Tanielle rock!
Christie said…
You two are so funny and I'm jealous. I wish my best friend would blog...but no. :( Still it fun to read your banter. Fingers crossed!
You guys are so sweet and beautiful. I wish I had a best friend like you two! Happy Blogoversary!!!
Emmy said…
Count me in! And happy anniversary!

You are so lucky to have such a good friend.
Heather said…
You two are so funny! Happy Anniversary!!!
Krissy said…
You and Tanielle are completely amazing!! =]
Rachelle said…
Happy Blogiversary! I'm so glad I found your site! You've made me laugh, think about things, and inspired me. Thanks for sticking around!
Alicia said…
How Fun! Happy Bloggiversary!!!
Macey said…
What a sweet post!! :)
And I know number 11!! You love how she's gonna rock out with you at Daughtry!
You two as so cute. There's nothing like a good friend to make life more fulfilling. Happy Blogoversary!
Gwen said…
Tanielle DOES have cute handwriting. I made her write my name on all my notebooks when she was dating my brother. :)
Jaci said…
Love it! Reading both your and Tanielle's blogs makes me want to call my friends and just say 'thanks'. What inspirations you are! Have a wonderful day!

Jaci @
Happy Blogiversary!!

What a flippin' cool way to celebrate. I am so glad you have a friend that you love so much. They are few and far between. I am glad you found yours!
aw, this is so cute. congrats on your blogoversary and your friendship. :)

lauren51990 at aol dot com
Jenn said…
Happy blogiversary!
jennykate77 said…
You two are so cute together! Such fun girls!! Happy bloggiversary!
Desert Rose said…
Ooh, a surprise giveaway to keep us on our toes! What a wonderful way to celebrate your one! Love that pic of you two! Cute, cute.
capperson said…
This is too cute! Congrats! Count me in :)
Boulter trouble said…
Ahhhh....Friendship is such a blessing. And to have one that is so solid is awesome! I read Tanielle's 10 favorite things about you. Even though we havent seen each other in YEARS....(holy crap-a-doodle), her list sounds really familiar.
Happy Bloggiversary....many more. :)

I love to try and win stuff,, and I love both of your blogs.. what a sweet friendship you share.
This is so much fun, sharing a blogaversary with someone you love. Thanks for inviting us along.
Lynn said…
You are BOTH so cute! I want the slush recipe!!!
Leslie said…
Happy Blogiversary! You are both very lucky!

Count me in with your giveaway...
Sarahie said…
You two are great! I love "hanging out" with you through your blogs. I totally love NKOTB too!! Thanks for sharing your friendship with us!
shortmama said…
You both are just fab! Happy blogoversary!
You have a seriously adorable blog!!! Congrats on reaching the 1 year!!
Jill said…
wooohoo.. I have been gone so long and I come back just in time for a giveaway.. Count me in girly.

Love the pic.. you girls are rocking it!
Jill :)!
Jill said…
wooohoo.. I have been gone so long and I come back just in time for a giveaway.. Count me in girly.

Love the pic.. you girls are rocking it!
Jill :)!
EVA SB said…
It is so important to have a friend to share both your crazy and your spiritual side.

This is a wonderful celebration of friendship!
What a great celebration of friendship. Congrats on the year.
Sare said…
left you something on my blog hon!
Valerie said…
How fun! You girls are a riot :)
I loved the bantering back and forth before the big "reveal"!
Shawn said…
I love the bong the two of you share! I met my very best friends Honey's first day of kindergarten. Uhhh 10 years ago, dang saying that really makes me feel old!
Shawn said…
I cannot believe I did that!

What I meant to say was I love the BOND the two of you share!

Chapmans23 said…
I just love Tanielle! and so I am so excited to get to know you as well through your blog. And heck maybe win a free giveaway to get to know you both better.
Cindy said…
You guys are so funny. I am so happy for your Blogiversary! FYI I too never wear a bra at home. Life is just better with it on.
Crochet Bug said…
I love to see such great relationships. yay! A giveaway! I will go see Tanielle.
Macey said…
I'm just here again to tip the scales in my
Awesome! Don't you just love how sometimes you meet people and the "click" is almost audible!?

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