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Mod Podge Mania!

FINALLY! Here's a picture of my fabulously creative friend Heidi's "1,000 cubes"

Heidi homeschools her daughter who has struggled in the regular public school system. She amazes me and inspires me. She is always building and creating new tools to help her daughter learn the concepst she needs to know.

She made the 1,000 blocks by mod podging "beaded" paper onto 4x4 cubes. The cubes represent 10 layers of 100 beads. Each cube represents 1,000 beads.

The cubes are used to teach place value, and eventually multiplication.

Thanks Heidi for allowing me to share your project with my blog friends!!


Macey said…
What?! I didn't realize you were doing MPM! Well, lucky for you, or me, I always have a project lately! :)
I can't wait to show you my project!
Emmy said…
No Modge podge projects for me yet, just wanted to let you know I have a couple of awards for you on my blog.
Unknown said…
I'm so behind! Because of CHA, I didn't do ANYTHING in January - so I have nothing. Next month, I promise! xo
Those cubes are so clever! And I am positive they were much cheaper to make than buy!
Wow - those cubes are cool! I don't think I would have the patience to do that :)

Macey said…
Those cubes are amazing. And confusing. I understand the concept, but I'm too stupid for math. Yes, I said it.

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