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Cuss Words!

That's what my Aunt used to always say when she got mad "Oh, Cuss Words!"

Today I'm linking up my cuss word moment with my hysterical, adorable, fabulous friend MiMi. She. Is. A. Riot. So if ya wanna laugh really hard...start reading her blog!

Here's the lowdown: Recently my husband received a new calling in church. Kind of a heavy one. The day he was to be sustained, and set apart was the first Sunday after New Year's. My girls had all received beautiful new church dresses for Christmas. They were going to get to wear them for the first time on this Sunday. It was going to be a really special day for our family.

That is why I was DETERMINED to have a peaceful, lovely Sunday morning. With the start of the new year, our ward's meeting time switched from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. I would be getting everyone ready by myself since my husband always has meetings before church. We could NOT be late on this Sunday. No. matter. what.

I refused to go to bed until all the clothes were ironed and ready, all the kids were bathed and clean, all the tights, ties, and church shoes were gathered up so we wouldn't be searching for ANYTHING the next morning. We would have a nice Sabbath morning, be ready and to church early, and enjoy the spirit of this special day. I even stayed up all night making new fabulous hairbows to match each of my girls' new dresses.

Sunday morning everything was going well. Everyone was dressed except Monkey. I like to put her dress on just a little bit before it's time to go, so she doesn't mess it up. My hair was combed, Cowgirl's and Bookworm's hair was combed...I was working on Pixie's hair about 20 minutes before it was time to leave. Cowgirl had woken Monkey up and fixed her some breakfast for me. I then asked her to please put her dress, tights and shoes on while I was finishing Pixies hair, and then I would comb Monkey's hair and we would be out the door.

After a few minutes Cowgirl calls to me, "Mom, there's a plastic tag thingy stuck in her dress."

"Just put the dress on, I'll cut it off when I do her hair." I called back.

I finish Pixie's hair and Monkey walks into the bathroom, "Look!" she says, holding up the skirt of her dress.

WHAT THE.... the stupid checker left the freaking eletronic anti-theft tag attached! You know the ones they need that special remover thingy to unclamp it with? Yeah, suddenly I'm not feeling so fabulous about my morning.

I pull the dress over Monkey's's now 10 minutes to leaving time. There is NO time to go have it removed. Believe me...I don't go to stores on Sunday...but I'm not that valiant! If there were time, I would have marched my daughter in there and made them remove it while she was wearing it! I had to get that tag off. I pulled, and twisted, and even tried to break it with a hammer. I got a screw-driver and tried to pry the dirty buggar apart.

And what did I get for my effort? If you guessed "nothing", you'd be...WRONG! No, I ended up shoving the screwdriver through the dress! Yes, now my youngest daughter's beautiful dress not only had a security device attached to it, but a HOLE to accompany said device.

Instead of lovely Sabbath thoughts filling my head, instead my mind filled up with...that's right ...cuss words! I was SO MAD!

I furiously went to the closet, retrieved another dress that was NOT new...much to my little girl's dismay. She was devastated not to get to wear her new fancy dress, while her sisters got to wear theirs. AND the new bows I made did NOT match the dress she ended up wearing, so that was crappy on top of crap.

Anyway...we got to church JUST in the knick of time, and I had to spend the first 10 minutes of the meeting telling myself that all was well. That dresses, and bows and pretty things aren't what's really important in the grand scheme of things. I know this...but it still took me a few moments at the time to convince myself.

That was the most ticked-off and frustrated I have been for quite awhile, and retelling makes me annoyed all over again. Thanks a lot MiMi!

All turned out well...after calming myself down, my entire family had a beautiful, spirit-filled Sunday, and we took the dress back the next day and they exchanged it for a new one, removed the security tag, and refunded us the $5.00 difference, since the dress was now on sale. Also, the next Sunday Monkey got to be the only sister in a new fancy dress!


Crochet Bug said…
I would have been livid! I can understand you were so mad. Did you get angry with the clerk when you went back? I think I would have been mad when I went to the store and asked for a manager and vented my frustration. Yikes! Glad it turned out well in the end. =)
Oh I would be so mad too. I hate it when you put all that hard effort in and the high expectations for everything to go smoothly and as planned to only have it ruined. GRRRR. I am glad you got a new dress though. Again kudos for getting that many ready for 9:00 church by yourself. I have a hard enough time getting my two ready, and sometimes wonder if it is all worth it. J/K I too need to remind myself that the pretty clothes and cute suit and ties aren't what it is all about either. Thanks for sharing your special day with us, it made me smile.
Desert Rose said…
You know what would really start me being mad about that scenario? It's the fact that those even have to be put onto clothes or anything else to begin with due to damn thieves. Makes everything much harder for those of us who BUY our stuff! Now 'scuse me while I go have a cussin' moment about thieves....
Unknown said…
I am glad it all worked out in the long run. And you know it was more about spending time with God on Sunday...... :))))

Emmy said…
Sunday mornings are more often that not not fun.. but it all worked out and you were on time :) Impressive.
Lori E said…
Of course it had to be a special morning and it had to be the youngest child.
At least she got to be the only one with the new dress next time.
I have had to make a trip back to a store with something my mother-in-law bought while visiting. It gets very frustrating plus it makes me wonder why the store alarm didn't go off?
You managed to keep the cussin' to a minimun I presume.
Grammy Suzzy said…
Oh, my goodness, you poor sweet thing! I so remember those days of wanting a special thing: whether it be dresses and Sunday, or a trip to the temple, or just a family dinner...planning and prepping. (Ya know, I think someone very evil is aware of our planning and prepping and finds that the PRIME opportunity to throw a wrench in the works and make us "cuss". I have failed in the past, but I am now going to use your suggestion..."oh cuss words"! And thank you for finding such a great silver lining in your cloud!
shortmama said…
See that frustrating moment ended up being a blessing in disguise because you ended up getting a discount!
Macey said…
Hey I remember this!! This IS a cuss word moment. : )
Oh I would have been so angry. Somehow Sundays always turn chaotic around here. So happy all turned out well, you remembered why you were there in the first place, got the dress exchanged, AND $5 in your pocket. Woo hoo!
Oh, no! All that hard work and the store is the one who messed it up. Cuss words! To be honest, I thought you were going to say that Monkey came back and had tried to cut the tag off herself and ruined the dress. :s Glad you got a replacement (and $5!) :)
How awful...especially for Monkey. I am glad you got a replacement. I always heard that if you took the things off without their special taker-offer...a special ink would get all over the fabric. See they keep me from shoplifting with absurd stories. Glad yours ended well.
Oh man!!! That sounds like something that would happen to me! I have the hardest time keeping calm on Sunday mornings. It seems like whatever can go wrong always does. You are so good to get everything ironed and ready the night before. I need to work harder on that!

Koko said…
I can totally feel the frustration! You are a great writer! We had that happen once to a nice sweatshirt my daughter bought at a store two hours away. That was frustrating as well, but not near as much as yours was. Alls well that ends well, though...that's what we need to remember when going through stuff like this.
kado! said…
oh man...that would make me cuss! I hate when the security tags don't get taken off! ...I've never attempted to take them off at home though...for that exact reason...oh and some of them contain ink...

Awesome that they returned the dress for you! That was very kind of them!!!!
Sare said…
RAGE. I'm so sorry!!! But yeah for salvaging the day!!! What is his new calling??
Sare said…
OH! I found it. wow!! That's so great!! I'm sure your sweet family will be so blessed through this sacrifice!! LOVE you guys!!
jennykate77 said…
OH, cuss words! LOL. I like that. I might have to use it. That would have totally ticked me off too! I'm glad that it all worked out in the end and Monkey's fancy dress was replaced (and you got $5 to boot!)

Love you!♥
Rachelle said…
Ugh, for busy, hectic Sunday mornings. I had to go through that recently while my husband was up in Washington and I was here trying to sell our house... for 7 months!

It sounds like the morning would have gone great if the store wouldn't have screwed you up.

You'll find your groove for Sunday mornings, though it may not always be "cuss word" free.

Good luck!

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