I'm so glad to be once again partying with my lovely friend Amanda. Each month she hosts a Decorating Dilemmas party. It's a chance to ask advice on some decor delimmas you may be facing, as well as give some ideas to help others with their dilemmas! So head on over and party with us!
What I am currently needing help with is the accessorizing of my fireplace. And I'm sorry I'm too lazy to take new pictures, so you get recycled pics from some past posts, but I hope you'll get the general idea of what I'm working with.
Here is my fireplace in it's entirety all decked out for Christmas:

Now that the holidays are over, I'm left trying to decide what to do with it. Here's a partial picture of what it looks like without all the Christmas trimmings (yes that is a stray blanket lying on the hearth):

Here is what I had done with my mantel before the fall and winter holidays. I know it needs more, I'm just not sure exactly what to add.
Here's what I would do to spice it up: first, get a fireplace screen. It will add architectural detail to the lower part. You could even flank it with a group of pottery-- tall vases and pots-- although I see you have little ones at home, so I know that wouldn't really work.
I also have a mirror on my mantel-- just resting against it-- and it really opens up the space. It really seems to make the room larger!
Confessions From A Working Mom
2. How do you keep the little ones out of it? Mine would want to play in it. ;)
If you're like me, stuff like a fireplace screen isn't in the budget. BUT, that doesn't mean you can't start saving for one, or even checking Craig's List or Goodwill for one you might like. :) I think that will help alot.
What about a chalkboard plate on an easel, like this one: http://theblessednest.blogspot.com/2010/01/chalkboard-plate-project.html
You could change out the quotes, Bible verses, etc. with seasons and holidays.
Once you have a screen up, what about a metal beverage container to store odds and ends...like a stray blanket? ;) OR a basket....
If you want to change up every once in awhile, you could swap the painting for a canvas painted with a family quote, saying, or Bible verse. :)
You really do have a great space.
I am so glad you linked up. :)
For the hearth, you could add a basket on one side and maybe a pretty fireplace tool set on the other side.
I'm sure she has more on the subject if you do a search of her blog. Hope this helps.
as for the actual fireplace...i don't agree with the others about finding a screen per say....let me explain...in the cold weather if you are actually using the fireplace..then you should get a screen...it makes it safe...but as soon as it warms up I take mine off, clean out the area and stack candles and candle pillars inside the actual fireplace...I LOVE the look and when you have parties or whenever you feel like it, it looks pretty to light the candles!