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FMM - Hairstyles!

Hello friends! Welcome! It's time for Friend Makin' Monday hosted by the fabulous Amber. FMM is a wonderful way to learn more about your bloggy friends, and meet some new ones! So head over and link up!

This week Amber asks us, if we were to cut our hair tomorrow...what would we want it to look like?

I actually got my hair cut not too long ago. I had grown my hair REALLY long to donate to Locks of Love, but since it had been highlighted, they wouldn't accept it. I got it cut above my shoulders. It's grown out a little, but I miss my long hair. I recently found a new stylist that I LOVE...I went to her to get it shaped a bit, and especially my bangs. I LOVE how it turned out, but still, I'm working on getting my long locks back.

My absolute favorite celebrity hair belongs to this lady:

Nancy O'Dell
For years I have coveted how her hair falls loosely, yet perfectly around her face, and I LOVE her bangs! So I am aiming for this style. I have a shorter version of it currently, but this is my goal! Of course, mine will be the brunette version!!

What about you? What is your dream hairstyle?


Macey said…
And it probably takes 2 hair stylists 3 hours to make it look like she just finger combed it on her way to work.
Sara said…
I do admire her hair, she always has gorgeous hair. I cant wait to see the brunette version!!
Sheila said…
OMG! I love her hair! (I dont' even know who she is!) Sorry-I'm celebrity dumb! But wow! My problem is styling my hair.....
kado! said…
she does have Hot hair! where is your pic?!
Myya said…
My dream would be stick straight hair!!! Mine is naturally curly - like fuzzy curly... like if you don't have product in it it would just be an afro. Uggghhh! Oh & no more grey would be wonderful too!
Amy said…
I am not sure what I want. I am kind of stuck on wanting a new look.
Unknown said…
That is some great hair...I love it!

Happy FMM.
Desert Rose said…
Wow, she does have really nice hair, especially the bang area. If only! I've always heard that locks of love won't take any processed hair. Hope your hair grows fast so you can get it back to where you want it.
Katie Lane said…
I'm totally loving the long locks. You have good taste!
Emmy said…
I do like her hair!
I am not sure what my dream style is.. which is probably why I am so long over due on getting it cut or anything done with it.
Her hair is very cute! I keep trying to grow my hair out but it won't go past a certain length. I would love that hair though!

Happy FMM!

Anonymous said…
That stinks that they wouldn't take your hair for Locks of Love. I've always wanted to donate mine, but it's never been long enough.

I love that hairstyle! It's beautiful.

Happy Friend Makin Monday!
Unknown said…
I don't know who she is but I love it!
I have attention span problems when it comes to styling so I may come out looking that way but it would never stay that way ! LOL Happy FMM
Angela Tolsma said…
Oh my goodnesss I LOVE her hair!! Fabulous! Happy FMM!
shortmama said…
That hair style is awesome! Love the bangs!
I like Nancy's! I am really wary of bangs...I had the cheerleader bangs in the late 90s during high school, and they were a you-know-what to grow out. I LOVE the sideswept bang look on others, but I think having hair in my face would annoy me and maybe make me prone to breakouts.

I REALLY need a hair style. Right now it's just long. Bleh. Can't afford to go to my favorite stylost right now.....

Hope to see you tonight or tomorrow for Decorating Dilemmas! Don't feel like you have to have a big huge post...anything small is fine. Start simple. ;)
A great blog.......I got your name from Trudy. My favourite treat of the week is to go to the hairdressers. Once again a great read.
Take care.
I love Nancy's hair! That is my dream hairstyle too. However, since I look absolutely terrible beyond description when I have bangs, it'll have to remain a dream...

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