I'm supposed to be working in the basement. We have a dumpster coming today to put all the crap in that we're getting rid of. Instead I've been glued to the tv all morning, and most of last night.
There is a huge wildfire burning the mountain behind where I grew up. I used to ride 4-wheelers in the foothills. My parents still live in that home. They are safe, as is my childhood home. But I have many friends who have been evacuated, and are uncertain of the safety of those homes. Over 1400 homes were evacuated last night.
4 homes have burned, which is a small number, but still devastating for those families. It appears that the fire has been contained now and some people furthest from the fire have been allowed back into their homes, but many are still unable to return.
Still, what a blessing that things aren't worse - this morning is much brighter than last night where disbelief and fear prevailed. The Unified Firefighters who have been on the mountain since yesterday afternoon were just called the best in the nation by the governor. There have been NO injuries or deaths to locals, and firefighters have only sustained some minor, job-related injuries.
I just wanted to share some incredible pictures that were taken by a dear family friend, and neighbor to my parents, Bob Lieshman.

There is a huge wildfire burning the mountain behind where I grew up. I used to ride 4-wheelers in the foothills. My parents still live in that home. They are safe, as is my childhood home. But I have many friends who have been evacuated, and are uncertain of the safety of those homes. Over 1400 homes were evacuated last night.
4 homes have burned, which is a small number, but still devastating for those families. It appears that the fire has been contained now and some people furthest from the fire have been allowed back into their homes, but many are still unable to return.
Still, what a blessing that things aren't worse - this morning is much brighter than last night where disbelief and fear prevailed. The Unified Firefighters who have been on the mountain since yesterday afternoon were just called the best in the nation by the governor. There have been NO injuries or deaths to locals, and firefighters have only sustained some minor, job-related injuries.
I just wanted to share some incredible pictures that were taken by a dear family friend, and neighbor to my parents, Bob Lieshman.

Fire is treacherous and unpredictable! My dad is a retired firefighter and I think he was wishing he could throw on his turnout gear and go help battle the blaze!
Glad it looks to be somewhat under control now.
Fires, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes....God is so very powerful!
I'm so glad it wasn't worse.
AMAZING pictures!
It is in the southern part of the Salt Lake Valley. Scary is not the half of it. We still have loved ones waiting to see how much damage has been done to their homes. They were given about 20 mintues to grab what they could before evacuation, all those memories... <3 to my Riverton and Herriman freinds and family.